Dominique Harris | Director

Early Childhood Education is meant to expand the minds of young children and has been one of the best experiences of my life. My journey did not start with ECE, however I have always wanted to work with kids.

I began working as an assistant infant teacher in January 2021. After a few months of training and absorbing as much information as possible, I decided to work towards becoming an Infant Nursery Supervisor (INS).  I immediately fell in love with the classroom, the babies, and the ability to create a positive learning environment for each child to thrive and develop in. Everything that I implement in my teaching is directed towards the best interest of each child and that means understanding their individuality and knowing that not every child develops at the same pace.

To be an infant teacher means having the patience and understanding that I am learning new things everyday just like the children in my classroom. Being that I am always willing to learn and grow as a teacher, I wanted to take my experience to the next level and began pursuing my director qualifications in October 2021 and officially got my certification in December 2022. Floating between these two roles allowed me to see the ins and outs of childcare and in turn has let me become an advocate for every child and teacher.

At The Big Red Barn, we pride ourselves in having strong relationships with our families and giving each child the best chance at a successful future! I am excited to share my passion about Early Childhood Education with you and cannot wait for you to see what The Big Red Barn has to offer!

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