The Big Red Barn 101: Transitioning into the Life of a Toddler!

The Little Red Barn is just the beginning of your child’s learning journey! Transitioning from infant to toddler life can be stressful, but we’re here to make it as smooth as possible. This guide will help you take small steps towards becoming a soon-to-be toddler parent!

What milestones should you expect to see from your 1 year old?

From Waddles to Toddles 

Around a year old, most children start exploring new ways to move around. As they begin to pull themselves up, they will eventually let go and become more confident in walking! Remember that each child develops at their own pace, and while it’s common for children to start walking around the one-year mark, it’s also perfectly normal for a child to start walking later or even earlier! As educators, we understand that helping your child reach each developmental milestone is crucial for their growth and successful learning!

What does this mean for The Barn?

         Walking is fundamental for toddlers and will be a milestone that we look for when addressing transitions into The Big Red Barn’s toddler program. Wearing hard-soled shoes daily is the first step towards becoming more independent in the classroom!

From Bottles to Sippy Cups

Transitioning from a bottle to a sippy cup is not an easy task. One of the easier ways to start transitioning your child to cow’s milk is to begin with a lower quantity of formula/breast milk and gradually increase their food intake. Always consult your pediatrician to ensure that the time is appropriate for these transitions!

What does this look like a The Barn? 

The Big Red Barn will start to supply 2% milk for lunch time and will provide snacks daily. There will be an AM and PM snack and both will contain at least 2 food groups!

Sleepytime Toddlers

        Infants, due to their rapid growth and daily development, require more sleep. Around 12 to 18 months, a child’s wake window usually expands to 4 to 6 hours! As a result, toddlers can comfortably get away with one nap a day!

What does this look like at The Barn? 

Children transition from napping in a crib to napping on a mat and all children must be on one nap a day. A sheet and blanket for nap time are provided by The Big Red Barn.

Utensil Introduction & Independent Feeding

Self-feeding is a vital aspect of early development, as it enhances fine motor skills, introduces infants to different textures and flavors, and promotes a positive relationship with food by enabling them to choose and consume at their own pace. Introducing infants to utensils like forks and spoons during the toddler program fosters healthy habits, as it encourages conversations with friends and synchronized eating.

*Always consult your pediatrician to ensure that your child doesn’t have food allergies and that the time is appropriate to begin eating solid foods!*

What does this look like at The Barn? 

        In the toddler program, children have scheduled times throughout the day when they sit together and have a “family-style” meal. This is important because it allows each child to learn how to eat independently while still being able to converse with their teachers and peers.

What to Look Forward to with your Toddler:


Potty training begins in our toddler program! Please reach out whenever you think your child might be ready to start the process and we will work as a team to get you kiddo potty trained! Here’s a link to read more about our potty training program!

If you’re concerned about making these changes on your own, The Little Red Barn provides ample time and support to ensure a smooth transition for your child!

A Day in the Life of a Toddler at The Big Red Barn:

In the toddler program, students begin to learn how to engage and interact with each other during various small group opportunities, such as morning and closing circles and developmental learning centers.

We dive deeper into Conscious Discipline by strengthening social and emotional connections with our peers and teachers. By acquiring self-regulation strategies, we begin to discover new ways to express our feelings verbally!  

Through Frogstreet Curriculum, students are introduced to more challenging concepts that immerse them in problem-solving and creativity! Frogstreet makes learning fun and engaging through different languages such as english, spanish, and ASL! Each child’s skills are nurtured through discovery and exploration in a safe and fun environment. They’ll get messy and rediscover the joy of being a kid!

Outdoor Play

        Outdoor play is an integral part of our program! In the toddler program, children have the chance to explore the outdoors up to three times a day, for a duration of 45 minutes to an hour. Our students have access to three gated-off play areas, where they can engage in various sensory activities, immerse themselves in nature, and embrace the joy of getting messy!

For more information about our toddler program, please visit The Big Red Barn website.